Chat Commands

Hover over and click each section to copy what you need to send in chat.

You may need to fill in or change the commands before sending.


Wangs are a stupid unnecessary points system. Currently completely useless.

!wangs Check how many wangs you have.
!wangers Check the wang leaderboard.
!givewangs @{user} {amount} Give someone else your wangs.
!yankwangs @{user} Take someone else's wangs.
!jankgambly {amount} Gamble a specific amount of your wangs.
!jankgambly all Gamble all of your wangs.


Warnings don't mean anything. It's just funny to warn people.

!warncount Check how many warnings you've had.
!warn @{user} Give someone a warning.


Look back on the dumb shit JankWangly has said.

!quote Display a random JankWangly quote in chat.
!quote add {quote text} Add a JankWangly quote.

Sound Alerts

!soundalerts Gives you a list of all the sound alerts you can trigger.
!murder Plays the audio clip "Boss there's been a murder!".
!fuck Plays the audio clip from Murder of me screaming "Fuck!".
!kids Plays the song 'Stop Talking to Kids'.


!commands I think you know full well what that does.
!song Display the current song and a spotify link in chat.

Custom Commands

Custom commands that viewers have redeemed.

!discord Skatornate's custom discord command.
!yawn Skatornate's alternative to !warn.